OK. heres the story. There was this freaky gym teacher named Mr. D who is a spittin image of bigfoot. hes hairy, fat and freakin tall. at my school we hav a fitness room and there is a rock climbin wall and these excercise bikes. there was a girl that was one of his 'crushes' and he went up to her and stopped her bike and started to talk with her like sayin "do u hav a facebook?" or "where do u live?" and "whats ur phone #". This girl Rikki (who is really mischievious and a pick-pocket) said that she went to the school office and told the principle bout it and later on, the police came and were like, "r u mister D?" to him and he was like yeah and they said he was under arrest. Rikki asked if they were gonna use the pepper spray and they said no and she asked if he slapped him, would they use the pepper spray and they said yeah. she said she was so close to slappin him but missed. U would never EVER want to see that ugly THING. 
3/22/2010 10:52:14 am

WOOOWWWWW !!! freweeeeaaakkkeaayyyy!!!

5/16/2010 08:27:49 am

that is fucken creepy and weird

8/3/2010 12:58:17 pm

One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's .work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster, If I were a medical man , I should precribe a holiday to many patient who consicered his work important.

8/15/2010 12:35:45 pm

Great hopes make great men.

7/13/2012 04:56:26 pm

Thanks for details

10/8/2012 06:13:36 pm

Hats off to your presence of mind. How amazingly you noticed the micro changes and wrote them in broader way.


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